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getting settled and william comes home

Getting Settled in Kantunilkin and William Comes Home!

October 01, 202320 min read

Going to the temple out here is a whole day affair because it takes 3 1/2 hours to get there, but it was so, so worth it.

I didn't realize I had been so stressed* until I sat at the temple and felt the sweet peace of God's love that comes so easily there.

September 2nd: Merida Temple and Zoo

We attended with members of our congregation and a sweet young couple watched Joy and Coen (and a few other kids) while the rest of us did temple work.

When the youth were done with their part, this couple took them all to a nearby zoo and we met them there when we got done.

The town of Merida is one of my new favorite places. It's a beautiful colonial town with neat architecture, lots to do, and kind people.

*I'm sending an email on Monday about the stress, and some unhealthy and healthy ways we're learning to handle it


September 9th: Getting Ready to Move to an Abandoned Restaurant in Quintana Roo

Another miracle:

Since it looks like the first phase of our house (where we can move in even though its not all finished) won't be ready for about 3 months, we needed a place to stay.

Continuing to rent an airbnb was getting pricey. Plus we were driving 1 hour to get to church and 1 hour and 15 minutes (plus 16 dollars in tolls) to get to the home we are building (which made it hard to go help or start planting or start school or start anything).

I asked at church and people in nearby towns about a place to rent. Everything was too small (two beds) or very expensive, or very far away...

Then a friend contacted the man who sold us our land, because he also had a home that had been unused for over a year, and maybe he would let us rent it.

The owner has someone who wants to buy the house but he won't be ready to buy it until January. Right around when we won't need it anymore.

So he agreed to let us rent it at a low price, and our rent is going towards getting it habitable (he is not making any money off renting it to us, just some maintenance and fixing things).

So Jess, Dallin, Josh and I worked with some people from the neighborhood yesterday to clean. There is a guy who is getting all the plumbing and electricity ready today. And we move in tomorrow. We will still have some work to do after we move in but it will be such a good place for us. It is 45 minutes from church and only 15 minutes from our land... and no tolls. And has a big yard to play in.

I am thankful for a God who prepares the way for us and watches over us.


September : Roadblocks as We Tried to Move

Bill and I drove to the new temporary home yesterday to take our stuff. The kids stayed at the airbnb to clean up.

The plan was to wake up, put the rest of the things in the van, load up the family and go to stake conference. From there, we would all go to the new place and unpack and get settled.

That's not how things played out.

As we began driving we heard a mild scraping noise that got louder when we went over bumps and around turns. We stopped to check what it was.

The back right tire was occasionally rubbing the metal of the car (due to the accident we were in last week, see my last email for details on that, and if you're not on our email list, you can sign up on the homepage of the website). Us + our stuff were too heavy to keep the bent metal off the tire.

Now what?

We decided to take two trips. We had to skip stake conference while Bill, Dallin and Jess drove to the new home (1 hour away) They left the rest of us at an LDS meetinghouse so we could attend church while they were gone.

Then Bill left Jess and Dallin at the new home, to build bunk beds and take care of the bat that had flown in, and came back to get us.

While we waited after church, the kids and I walked to Walmart to get waters since we accidentally left all of ours in the car. (drinking fountains are very rare in Mexico).

We had a picnic lunch at Walmart with the sandwiches Jess made and our waters. Bill arrived about an hour and a half later only to drive us back to the house. In a car with no A/C. Poor guy!

As I was sitting at church, during the sacrament, the words I felt and said in my heart were: "Heavenly Father, this life can get so crazy sometimes and so much is unexpected. Thank you for being here with us through it."

I can't imagine life without the sweet assurance that God is on this crazy ride with us


September 12th: Time at a Cenote With Family

We got to go to the 7 Bocas Cenote today with Bill's sister and brother-in-law.

Here is what she said about it and a picture she took:

What a great day!! We were able to hang out with family! Bill and Karen picked us up and we played in this cenote all day. It was really neat swimming through the caves. So pretty! And it was so nice seeing them and the kids. Hopefully Jeff got some good photos with the camera of everyone.

7 bocas centote

September 14th: Working Hard to Get our new Home Ready for Move-In

We are feeling so spoiled and grateful today!

1. Jessalyn. This young lady has worked non stop to organize and make our space beautiful. She has been scrubbing floors and all the plastic tables, propagating plants in whatever glass containers she can find, and cleaning whatever she can find around here to help us organize.

Even when we get home after a long hot day, Jess moves on to the next thing to clean. I am astounded at her energy and talent to make a place beautiful.

2. We have working toilets! The toilets kind of worked before but we had to flush them with buckets of water. The water pressure is low so it took a while to fill one bucket.

To speed things up, I collected rainwater in the buckets from the raingutter when it rained in the evening, which was a faster way to fill them, but with so many kids, three full buckets didn't last that long.

We are grateful for the plummer who came and fixed all the toilets so that now they flush by simply pulling the handle. What simple thing that makes life so nice.

3. We have a functioning kitchen! The plummer helped us get the water pressure we need to wash dishes, and his wife bleached and cleaned the whole thing while I went to buy parts with the plummer. Then Jess put in all our things in her talented way. We got the extension cord we needed for the fridge (we were using coolers for the food before).

It's amazing how much more variety of food you can cook when the kitchen is working.

4. Our sleeping area has A/C!! This is huge. We all slept so much better last night. A/C is kind of a luxury item around here and I felt kind of guilty that we wanted it when so many people do without it and don't complain. But it's SO nice.

We basically all laughed out loud after it had been installed and we walked in the house. We only went without it for 2 days after moving in, but those days sure helped us appreciate what a blessing it is!

5. We will be getting wifi this morning. It was very difficult to find a provider with availability, but we found one.

Now Jess and Dallin can start their online classes at BYUI that they have been missing. And I can send out the weekly email update with videos and the things I shouldn't share on social media


. (If you're not on our email list, you can sign up below)

I have loved having the opportunity to feel more gratitude for simple things that I sometimes took for granted.


September 15th: Needed Reassurances

I am embarrassed to say that even after the miracles we have seen and how blessed we have been, I sometimes ask God for reassurance that what we are on the right track.

I think it is because we aren't seeing any fruits of our sacrifice yet. We have been working hard to get settled and we haven't seen any real impact because of our move here. I keep telling myself it's like planting a seed or building a foundation... you don't see growth at first, just dirt.

But when I see posts from friends at classes my kids could be doing, or I think about what they are missing there, I have to pray for reassurance that this is what's best for my family as well as those we hope to help.

Well, God blessed me with two sweet assurances this morning.

1. I read this verse that hit my heart in 1 Cor 15:58 Be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

What a sweet promise that we never labor in vain when we are trying to labor for God and His work.

2. We still don't have internet. Social media is the only thing that works on my phone. So I haven't been able to check emails. I took Josh to play basketball today and for a brief second, my internet worked and my emails got downloaded. Then it went away.

I was able to read a sweet email from our friend Anna Higgins that filled me with so much courage and hope. I cried through it and again as I read it to the kids during devotional. It was a sweet reminder that there may be fruits already that we are not aware of and to have faith because God doesn't fail us even it feels like He is not pulling his weight sometimes, He always comes through.

Anna is doing a dance fundraiser for us in Rexburg. If you have friends out there or you live out there, please let them know to contact her on messenger or IG if they would be willing to help. She is praying for people to feel inspired to help her carry it through. She is incredible and anyone would be fortunate to get to know her


September 16th: Discover the Bible Museum and the Feast of the Trumpets

In our little town of Solferino, a man who had studied Hebrew and the Bible while living in Jerusalem for 12 years, started a study group. He wanted people to see what Jerusalem was like in the time of Christ so he also built a type of Bible Museum with a synagogue, typical homes, and gardens representing different stories in the Bible. You can look up "Discubre la Biblia" or "Discover the Bible" to learn about it.

Its incredible to see how his vision has come to be in only 4 short years. He and the community he has created, celebrate the festivals that are mentioned in the Bible to be celebrated perpetually (there are 7 through the year).

These festivals are very symbolic and rich with meaning about Christ and his love for us. We attended the festival of the trumpet last night. It was a ton of fun and also super educational.

The "trumpet" in the Bible is a shofar (sp?) (a ram or antelope horn). The horn (made of bone) represents us and blowing into it represents God's breath of life. The sound is His call to us to connect to Him and stop hiding (as Adam hid in the garden).

The festival lakes place in the first day of the 7th month (hebrew calendar) and the shofar is meant to remind us of:

1. Adam and our creation, fall, and reconnection to God

2. The ram caught in the thicket that was given in sacrifice as a substitute for Isaac.

3. The thundering when Moses received the commandments on mount Sinai and our call to keep them.

4. Jericho's walls falling with the sound and Israel's enemies being defeated.

5. The story of when dry bones came alive, reminding us of our eventual resurrection.

6. The day of Pentecost when the Holy Ghost was given in abundance with many spiritual gifts we can now seek.

7. The eventual second coming of Christ and our joyful welcome.

You can hear the powerful sound of a shofar on the last video.

The first picture is of a purifying ceremony some did in Jerusalem before the festivals, that represents repentance. Some of the people who came in from all over the world to celebrate yesterday did this during the day to prepare for the festival.

It's a symbolic walk down 7 steps, 7 dips in the water, and then an 8th where you stay under as long as you can and think about your new life with God (and His breath) and 8 steps back to the top signifying a new beginning.

Picture 2: Some of the kids went swimming afterwards.

The others are of us dancing and enjoying the celebration. Good food, new friends, and a fun learning experience.


September 16th: Mexico Independence Day

Happy México Independence Day! There are so many things I love about México...

The colors, the dancing, the music, the lack of pretense, the love of family, but most of all the people.

People are generous, humble, grateful, loving, and never in too much of a hurry to take the time to talk and build a relationship.

I am grateful my kids get to experience this beautiful culture right now. Viva México


(Videos are from our church party today).


September 18th: Getting to Know Our New Neighborhood in Quintana Roo

Such a pretty sky on our our walk home from the panadería today


I always think of sunsets as an "I love you. Goodnight," from our Heavenly Father.

walk in kantunilkin

September 19th: My Birthday

Here are some highlights on this birthday morning:

1. Joy teaching Coen how to wash his clothes. It was adorable.

2. Dallin grabbing a coconut to eat for breakfast

3. Picking a lime off this tree to add to my water

4. Spending 2 hours creating a birthday fundraiser that I thought I could just do "real quick"


(I will link to it in the comments in case you're able to help!)

5. Doing this while my kids played football, did push-ups, or did yoga in the background as I almost felt inspired to exercise!


6. This delicios smoothie made with coconut, beet, mango, cucumber, peach, papaya, and pineapple juice.


Because Bill is in Texas today getting paperwork done (he will be working there for a little bit to ensure we have enough money to finish our home here), we plan to celebrate my birthday on Thursday when he is back from the paperwork.

So today has been pretty normal, we ended up not going on the errands we had planned because our car is in the repair shop, so it was a day of phone calls for getting settled, but Heavenly Father sent me some angels to brighten my day.

Rosy and Roberto have been helping us get the house ready (plumbing, electric, cleaning). And today they brought us dinner just because. I tried to pay them for it, but they refused.

No, they didn't know it was my birthday. But God did


He also knows how much I dislike coming up with dinner ideas. Especially now that the food is so different then what I am used to

I am grateful for angels on earth.

food from an angel

September 20th: William Gets Home from His Two Year Mission to Mexico City

After two years, all together for a little bit. There's no better feeling


I'm so grateful for William and his beautiful example of love and service.


It's been so long since we've been together that I keep feeling surprised by how big our family is. They are all bigger now too so when I see them all together I smile at how many incredible, amazing kids I have.

Feeling super grateful!!


September 24th: William's Homecoming Welcome

William gave a beautiful impromptu talk at church today about some things he learned on his mission, including:

-Read the Book of Mormón daily because of the power of its teachings and guidance

-Be fully committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ and keep Him as the aim of all you do

-You will witness miracles as you serve Jesus, because of who He is.

Our branch made him a welcome home cake and threw him a dinner. They are the kindest people. I am so grateful to get to work here with them.


September 25th: Families Are Forever

If I post enough pretty pictures of the ocean, maybe we can convince some of you to come visit us? Lol

No, the El Cuyo beach was beautiful, but the best part was just being together.


I wish it could last forever. Oh wait. It will! #familiesareforever


September 26th

On Saturday, the boys wanted to watch a football game so the girls and I (except Jess who was busy catching up on homework after not having internet for 2 weeks of online school) went to check out a nearby cenote.

We especially loved seeing monkeys swinging through the trees, hearing Mayan legends, and having fish nibble our toes


I love my girls


*In the next week or two, we are opening up service trips in the spring (since we need all the help we can get to make this dream a reality) and we are trying to find cool places to take people to see during free time. This place definitely makes the cut of possibilities.

**If you'd like to learn more about service trips, and other ways to do this work with us, sign up in the volunteer tab above!


September 28th: Valladolid

We are living like tourists this week with family visiting. I haven't taken many pictures so I stole these from Cassia, William, and Bill. You can go to their profiles to also see the fun videos though.

What a blessing to get to all be together even if it's just for a week. It's so sad to not live in Utah where Cassia is (and William will soon be), but I have to appreciate that we do live in a beautiful part of the world. I have to trust that we are here because God has a work for us.

I especially have to remember it when we say goodbye in a couple of days.

But for now, we are living Heaven on Earth for a week. (Well, heaven but with mosquitos)

Valladolid is beautiful!


September 29th: Is Not God Worthy of This Struggle?

I am feeling somber at the end of a beautiful day where we took our family and friends to Tulum.

It is a place with Mayan ruins next to the ocean, dark stone against aqua water and green trees. It's breathtaking.

We learned that when the king and queen of the village died, 3 boys and 3 girls had the "honor" of being sacrificed and buried with them to serve as their slaves in the next life.

I felt a deep sadness as we left. I couldn't explain it, I thought it was probably because my daughter, Cassia, and my dad are leaving soon and I didn't want our time together to end. My kids asked a few times, "Mom, are you okay?"

"Yep. I'm just tired."

Even though their leaving was part of the sadness, there was more. I came to see what it was as I rode home and pondered on what I had learned about the child sacrifices by those who should have been protecting them.

I recalled a conversation I had with the Relief Society President in my congregation (leader of the women's ministry). She worked for an orphanage near Cancun. She said she couldn't sleep at night because she was always checking that all the kids were in bed since she heard stories from them about what would sometimes happen at night.

Cancun is a tourist town and so has a high rate of child trafficking and abuse. They need a safe place to heal, but that is not usually what they get.

She would go to bed at night crying about what she would hear and wake up in the morning still sobbing.

Remembering this conversation, brought to mind the time we walked by the DIF in Playa Del Carmen two weeks ago. It was a huge holding place for abandoned kids. I was struck at the number of dorms and buildings.

The thought struck me today, "Is anyone keeping an eye on those kids tonight? Do they feel safe?" But I know many of them do not.

It's this same thought and sadness about kids not having a safe place to heal and grow that compelled us to move to Mexico.

I couldn't know that there were kids who were scared and had nowhere safe to go, while we lived in an abundance of love and safety. It felt off to know and to do nothing.

As I realized why I had been feeling so sad, I opened up the book I am currently reading. I love reading biographies of people who dared to do something about the suffering they saw around them. They give me courage and help me trust in God's miracles.

Right now, I am reading about Bonhoeffer. I opened up to these words he spoke addressing a congregation as the Nazis were growing in power:

"[You] are like young soldiers marching to war, the war of Jesus against the gods of this world. It is a war that demand the commitment of one's whole life. Is not God, our Lord, worthy of this struggle?"

We are SO ready to create a safe and healing place for youth who need to learn to trust again and to know their Savior and His love.

It feels so out of reach right now as we just have a few cement bricks on a foundation for a house and a TON of land to weed and trees to plant, and a ton of building and cleaning to do, and a ton of funding to raise, but I do know that God works miracles.

I excited to see what He will do with all of our willing hearts! Thank you to those who are involved with us as donors or who will come volunteer starting in the spring


If you want to be a part of this work too, you can:

-Sign up for updates on the website,

-Become a monthly or one time donor (so needed as we try to set up the infrastructure)

-Sign up to come help us starting next spring (sign ups coming in the next week or two),

-And/or share our website with your family and friends.

Please let's make sure that, one child a time, all kids can go to bed feeling loved and safe.

❤️family in tulum

tulum view

blog author image

Karen Bates

Karen is the creator of the Find Your Path Program and Founder of Find Your Path Mission, a non profit organization dedicated to helping youth break negative cycles and reach their personal potential.

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