Our Blog

Jonathan's Hope and How You are Helping

Jonathan's Hope and How You are Helping

The first time we visited an orphanage in Mexico back in 2020, we met a young man I will call Jonathan. He was 14 and so shy! He was fourteen and so shy. I would sometimes notice... ...more

Monthly Updates ,Sponsorship

November 12, 20246 min read

Internal Miracles: People-pleasing, Boundaries, Rejection Sensitivity

Internal Miracles: People-pleasing, Boundaries, Rejection Sensitivity

There are miracles happening her in Texas as we prepare for the next phase of this work. They are not as visible, but very real. Also, listen to my interview on the Audrey Rindlisbacher Podcast ...more

Challenges ,Growth Principles

October 31, 20245 min read

Coldplay Song and Other Inspiration

Coldplay Song and Other Inspiration

Maybe I'm just crazy, I should just be a brick in the wall. Sit and watch the TV and blame everyone else for it all. But I'm trying to trust in the Heavens above and I'm trying to trust in a world ful... ...more

Challenges ,Sponsorship &The Why

October 29, 20243 min read

Why We Need a Miracle

Why We Need a Miracle

When we moved to Mexico in June of 2023, we had a plan. We saw many miracles, but also many unexpected setbacks. ...more

Mexico Miracles ,Challenges &The Why

October 17, 20245 min read

Why I Can't Let Go

Why I Can't Let Go

I wrote a poem last night as I thought of a memory with some incredible boys. They had shown me some of their scars and shared a few of their experiences. I had cried with them and then they asked me ... ...more

The Why

October 08, 20243 min read

The Conundrum and the Goal

The Conundrum and the Goal

This is an exciting time to be a part of this work. There are many challenges, but also many miracles. Bill was gone for 8 months out of the last year. This isn't a lifestyle we can maintain. ...more

Challenges ,Monthly Updates &Growth Principles

October 02, 20247 min read

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