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An Impactful Experience About Overcoming Fear

An Impactful Experience About Overcoming Fear

A young lady who was blind came to the ropes course on our first time with a group. She taught me an impactful lesson on overcoming fear. ...more

Moving to Mexico ,Inspiring People &Growth Principles

March 06, 20244 min read

A Day in Our Life After Moving to Mexico to Start a School

A Day in Our Life After Moving to Mexico to Start a School

Here is life right now after moving to Mexico to start a school and home for youth so they can break the cycles of poverty, addiction, and abuse and reach their incredible potential! ...more

Moving to Mexico

November 24, 20231 min read

Getting Settled in Kantunilkin and William Comes Home!

Getting Settled in Kantunilkin and William Comes Home!

Getting the abandoned restaurant ready to be our home, getting settled, and enjoying William coming home! ...more

Moving to Mexico

October 01, 202320 min read

Moving to Quintana Roo with 23 Suitcases

Moving to Quintana Roo with 23 Suitcases

Moving to Quintana Roo with 23 Suitcases and trying to get settled was a bit overwhelming, but we pulled together and survived! ...more

Moving to Mexico

September 02, 202314 min read

Share Your Love with God's Children, it's so Needed!

Share Your Love with God's Children, it's so Needed!

We finished our internship in Tijuana and said goodbye to our dear friends. They need so much love. The world needs so much love! ...more

Moving to Mexico

August 16, 20236 min read

 Service Trip to the Second Orphanage

 Service Trip to the Second Orphanage

We went to a second orphanage for another internship and to visit the kids we love. This was a really hard visit in so many ways, but we learned a lot along the way. ...more

Moving to Mexico

August 01, 202315 min read

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