Above: Founders Karen Tavares Bates, Bill Bates and their family


Find Your Path Mission was established to fill the void in the welfare of one of Mexico’s most vulnerable populations: at-risk teens in the orphanage system.

Our mission is to build a campus that will provide at-risk teens and their siblings in Mexico with:

  • Housing

  • Education

  • Jobs skills

  • A supportive environment

Did you know?

20% of kids that age out of the US foster care system are instantly homeless, and fewer than 50% find employment.

It’s not hard to imagine how bleak the outlook also is for teens in Mexico.


  • Many orphanages in Mexico don’t accept teenagers.

  • Orphanages that do are often not equipped to deal with the unique needs of teenagers.

  • As youth age out of the orphanage system, they often lack a support system and means to continue their education.


We can't do it alone!

We need help to:

  • Build the campus

  • Mentor a child through:

    Monthly donations

    • Letters

    • Service trip visits

  • Teach classes and skills

  • Fill staff positions

  • Collect needed supplies

Youth just need a little direction, a lot of love, and people who believe in them. 

You can be one of those people.


Founder, Karen Tavares Bates’ own mother was orphaned as a 5-year-old in Mexico. Her family immigrated to the United States when Karen was a young girl.

Karen's desire to help children who suffered as her mother had, inspired her to take her children on service trips to Mexican orphanages.

On these trips, they saw firsthand how difficult life for orphans, particularly teens, can be.

As a mother of eight, Karen has always had a love for children and family, so it’s no wonder that she found herself moved to do something more.

After counseling together, the Bates family sold everything they owned, purchased a plot of land in Solferino, Mexico, and moved there to build Find Your Path Mission.

Video (4:36 min) – The Bates family sold everything they owned and moved to Mexico to start building Find Your Path Mission.

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