Our Vision

Our Vision


We are building a home, school, and bright future for abandoned youth in Mexico.


We are raising funds and helping hands to build a campus that includes:

  • Youth homes

  • Youth school

  • Youth Activities (ropes course, amphitheater, gardens, etc.)

  • Volunteer Lodging


To empower youth with confidence, capabilities, and connections that will help them succeed as adults.

PROJECT implementation


A place for abandoned youth to call home.

Our target demographic is 12 yrs+.

However, any teens who have younger siblings will be accepted as a group.

The first building on the land we purchased is currently under construction! (Permanent staff housing.)

We are currently raising funds to start construction on youth housing!


The school will be a place for resident and non-resident youth to learn.

Our school will serve:

  • abandoned or orphaned youth

  • youth who were kicked out of their public schools due to learning differences

  • local youth with travel or other barriers to getting an education

Our program is half-day English immersion and will include job skill training as well as career and entrepreneurship opportunities.

Classes are currently held in a local family's home and outdoor activities are conducted at a park.

We plan to build classrooms with funds from donations.


Places for practical application of principles learned in school.

Youth activity areas will include:

  • a ropes course

  • an amphitheater

  • permaculture gardens

  • a store to sell their creations

These spaces will allow youth to build valuable skills in teamwork, problem-solving, entrepreneurship, organization, leadership, and more.

Our ropes course has been installed!

This is thanks to the generosity and hard work of the Allen family, owners of CLAS Ropes and Big Rock Adventure.

We need donations and volunteers to start construction on the gardens, the amphitheater, and the store.


Dorms where people who come on service trips can stay.

People on service trips will have the opportunity to assist on the Find Your Path campus in a variety of ways.

They will also have time to enjoy the surrounding sights of Solferino and the Yucatan Peninsula.

Currently, volunteers stay in rustic cabins off-campus, nearby in town as seen above.

We are raising funds for the construction of volunteer lodging on our campus.

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