I am learning that differences of opinion at home come down to a difference in how we prioritize good values... ...more
Inspiration ,Growth Principles
May 09, 2024•3 min read
As I've struggled with general anxiety lately, these experiences and wise words have helped me shift the flow of my thoughts to find peace ...more
Inspiration ,Challenges
March 18, 2024•7 min read
When we decided to sell our house to move to Mexico (to start a school to help kids see and live up to their potential, regardless of their circumstances), we thought we would need to go in the winter... ...more
May 12, 2023•9 min read
I got a very unsettling phone call the Sunday before last and I wanted to share a few experiences that happened because of it that have helped me better understand how God speaks to me… which I think ... ...more
May 12, 2023•10 min read
While we were in Mexico over the summer, this young man had asked if he could pretend I was his mom. He was only 13, but taller than me, and loved to hug me, sit by me, and help me in any way. ...more
May 12, 2023•9 min read
I have had people ask me why I would take my kids to Mexico when it is not as safe and they would not have all of the opportunities that they would have in the United States. ...more
May 12, 2023•8 min read
Updates on projects, trips,
people, and opportunities.