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The Miracle of the Hidden Trees

February 08, 20244 min read

The Storm

I was sweeping the palapa on Monday after a big wind storm blew in branches , leaves and garbage and I thought, “What a mess.” I wasn’t just thinking of the palapa though. I was thinking of the difficulty my dad and Benjamin were having in crossing the border and that they had to leave all the poles and the rock wall behind. I was also thinking about the fact that we had no electricity because of the wind, and I would miss a couple meetings, and of the financial hurdles we still had to overcome to get the work here started.

Then I had the thought, “Something good must be coming after the storm!”

I got curious about what it could be.

Later that day, I told Bill and Jess that I felt like God was going to surprise us with something good after all these obstacles and I was looking forward to seeing what it could be.

The Search

Joey and Jordan arrived Monday night to help build the ropes course. They work at CLAS ropes and planned to help Benjamin who was supposed to have arrived on Sunday, but was till stuck in Texas. 

Benjamin told us to see if we could find any trees that we could use as posts for the high course and to ask around to see if we could find any poles we could buy since they wouldn’t let him cross with poles.

On Tuesday morning I introduced them to Alex (who has been managing our building project) and we went to look at the land. A man named Alfonso came with a machete to help clear land we wanted to see.

We showed Joey and Jordan where they had cleared the area for the poles and for the low course activities. We walked all around it and they found a few trees that might work for some low course activities, but didn’t think any of the trees were thick enough to use for a high course. 

small trees

The wind started to pick up and Alfonso advised that we go home before branches started falling. He left and we were getting ready to go, but I kept feeling like we should go look at the other side of the property where we had seen a couple of bigger trees when Benjamin came. They agreed to go and thankfully the wind started getting calmer.

We walked on the main path until we got to the trail I thought we had taken before.

When we began to walk, I realized it was a new trail because it didn’t look familiar. But we kept walking, Alex leading the way with the machete, to see what we could find. 

The Surprise

We saw a beautiful tree ahead. Jordan said, “That one would work for a high course activity.” We passed it and saw another tree. Then another. We looked around and found ourselves in the middle of a beautiful grove of magnificent tall trees! It was incredible. 

I heard the words in my mind, “Surprise!”

 Here is a video of what we saw:


Additional Miracle

Alex said it was a miracle the trees were there. They are a very hard and precious wood that people could sell for good money. Since it’s a pretty remote area without people watching it, carpenters often come out to the area looking for those kind of trees to chop down (which is why most of our land had younger trees). He was very surprised to have found so many still standing. 

I remember when I first told my friend, Becky Rogers, what we were doing. She runs a nonprofit organization in Africa called “Families Mentoring Families” She said, “I can’t wait for you to start seeing all the miracles!” I guess she knew what she was talking about. 

I love surprises <3

With love and gratitude,

Karen Bates

P.S. There have been miracles involved in my dad and Benjamin getting here safely too. When they get here tomorrow night, I will see how much they are willing to let me share. We are so grateful for your prayers!!

P.P.S We haven't bought ground beef since we moved to Mexico just because it is hard to find and usually expensive. The other day I was at Costco and felt a desire to buy some, so I did. Last night we were making dinner for Joey and Jordan and I learned that ground beef is the only meat the Joey eats. It was sweet to see that Heavenly Father cared about his comfort here. I love seeing the big and little ways He likes to show us that He cares.

P.P.P.S. We have raised $1710 You can help us reach our fundraising goal of 2000 by February 14th by donating on the link below or on the Facebook or Instagram fundraiser.

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Karen Bates

Karen is the creator of the Find Your Path Program and Founder of Find Your Path Mission, a non profit organization dedicated to helping youth break negative cycles and reach their personal potential.

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