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Prayers Please

February 01, 20242 min read

Prayers Please ❤️

Yesterday morning, Benjamin Allen and my dad, Cesar Tavares, started a drive from Utah to Solferino, Mexico with supplies to build us a ropes course.


1. Because they are incredible people... Benjamin is donating a month of his time to build it, bringing people to help, is giving us all the supplies at less than his cost, and driving here and back (9372 kilometers or 5825 miles) to help us in this work.

My dad is helping by driving one of the trucks here that is carrying the rock wall. Benjamin's son will drive the truck back.

2. Because ropes courses have an incredible transformational power. I have seen many lives changed after experiences at CLAS ropes (where I worked for Benjamin in Provo)... from addiction recover programs, to marriage counseling, to youth camps... I have seen the power that comes from the vulnerability, courage, trust, and communication that hapoens through these experiences.

3. Because youth who have been hurt by the world and struggle to trust in others or believe in themselves can learn to do so in this safe environment. It helps them heal more quickly and use their hard experiences to their advantage (and to help others).

These men have a lot of faith to be making this trip just to help us in this work. It's very long and they will go through many unknown areas. Border towns are especially tricky.

Will you please pray with us that they will be alert, have no car troubles, and arrive safely here in a few days?

And that we will soon have the funds to pay him back for the materials?

We are so humbled by this sacrifice and are so determined to do our part too in making this place amazing for the kids God sends our way.

*Picture at top is of Benjamin and his wife with my kids when they came to visit last month to see where the ropes course would be.

Pictures of the cars they are driving:

dad car is driving

car ben is driving

blog author image

Karen Bates

Karen is the creator of the Find Your Path Program and Founder of Find Your Path Mission, a non profit organization dedicated to helping youth break negative cycles and reach their personal potential.

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